I made myself a red and white scarf. I've had the idea for a long time, but I never found some handkerchiefs or napkins that quite matched the thought of it which I had in my mind until a few weeks ago. These were four really fine, and very lightweight, never used, old linen napkins. They ended up all a tiny bit different in size so the stripes don't match perfectly, but I don't mind. Overall it's about 176cm long. I didn't want to use my machine, the needles would have been a bit brutal for the linen, but it's hard enough to find tiny 'sharp' needles these days. I've less than 3mm hems so the joins lie as flat as possible, and aligned edges which are whip-stitched together from the back. The close-up photo gives the linen a weird yellowish shadow but it's not there in reality, it's a clear bright white. I'm still not sure whether I'll add some more embroidery, maybe.
I'm going away at the end of the week, and I've a feeling that it might be very cold. Yesterday I bought a sweater to take with me that's not a gansey. The colour, despite my photos, is such a true dark navy that it's nearly black. It's really thick and heavy and smells of lanolin. I can't knit, not a stitch, and I am so impressed by knitting. More than anything, if I could knit, I would like to knit a gansey. I had real ones when I was little. I've old cine films in which I seem to be wearing them often. Sutcliffe's photographs have plenty of images of girls and women knitting. I know there are many different patterns, coming out of different fishing communities, and that it's extremely skilful work.
I didn't take a selfie of the sweater with the scarf but Tiffin was happy to sit on them instead. I found this lovely photo of Will, I think he was about ten, when I was looking for a book.
The scarf looks great.
Yes it is a problem to get tiny needles and if you find some - they cost a fortune.
Kind regards
Posted by: Braunelle | 24 February 2014 at 02:50 PM